Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Importance of Art and Change

Every time I change something -- what I wear, what I eat, how I organize things, anything at all -- the newness of the experience of that thing I changed is what makes it worth it. These patterns reach so much further into everyday life than we recognize, and changing any of them means taking control of waking experience. Art is generation of novelty, and that is why conscious people realize how important it is. Change more things; produce more art; live more spontaneously; break repetition wherever possible; never settle for the pattern that you're in. The discomfort you feel from serious change is merely a stepping stone to something you couldn't have imagined before you took the leap. And once change becomes a trend, your whole life will be one huge process of dynamic evolution, free to develop without being hindered by stagnancy.

Challenge things; not just the things that are "meant" to be challenged. The best way to live an unfettered life is to start living it with no preconceptions or fear for the unknown. Love and accept everything that brings you down, simply because you have no better option. Compassionate emotions will start to flow through you and problems won't seem so oppressive. With a new outlook on what gets to you, you're able to take control over the useless thoughts and emotions that conspire to control your experience and direct it in a good or a bad direction. Owning this process means you can spread your new happiness and vibrance to the people you care about and -- by association -- those you don't even know; we can all help each other more than we allow ourselves to believe, and the only place to start is within yourself. Things only remain broken as long as we accept that that's the way they are; don't accept the norms, the standards, the mindless political schemes that will use you however you allow them to. Either you live in full control of youself or you are not living at all, but simply allowing pattern and training to manipulate you into something you're not. At your core, there is something beautiful that aches to flourish and express itself in a genuine way, but it will always wait for you to make the right move that allows that to happen. Terence McKenna said "Magic is done by hurling oneself into the abyss, and realizing it is a feather bed."


At March 16, 2012 at 8:40 AM , Blogger nicoletta said...

ok, I read this the first day you posted it and really wanted to reply all my thoughts but didn't have time, so I've thought about it the past couple of days and realized that it would just be easier to say...

I agree with you completely. This is exactly how I feel. I can't word it better so I won't try.

Thank you for putting my chaotic thoughts in to words!!!

At March 19, 2012 at 3:21 PM , Blogger ribiq said...

haha well thanks for reading all of them! these are things I think about a lot

At March 23, 2012 at 12:04 PM , Blogger Jesse said...

hmmm... I thought I commented on this.

and what I thought I commented was "Welllll said!"
this should have been the intro post to this blog!

At March 26, 2012 at 12:56 AM , Blogger ribiq said...

daw, thanks!

At March 27, 2012 at 12:14 AM , Blogger Lisa Marie said...

ok...i know im weeks late...but seriously. this is brilliance. I find things like this to be extremely inspirational to me so thank you! i'm so lucky to have personal access to your unique brain ;) hahahaha


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